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The Goddess of Mysteries and Doors. She protects doorways and mysteries. She is often worshipped by those desiring protection. As well as doorways, she also protect mysteries, causing her to be a favourite stop for those searching for lost knowledge. Her sacred places are crossroads.


The God of Life. He brings life wherever he goes, in all forms. He has no sacred place. Only he can return people from the dead. He is the lover of Maia.


The God of savage warfare. The second of the twins. He favours warriors and barbarians. His is the warfare that gives up everything to win, including strategy and mercy. His holy warriors are the berserkers. The twins are continually fighting.


The God of Plagues. He is often referred to as the Lord of Sneaking Death. He is rarely worshipped, more often sacrificed to so that he may leave. His sacred place is mass graves. His sacred animals are rats.

Dolores, the Lady of Tears[]

Dolores holds dominion over the twin domains of suffering and change. She embodies both the struggles of mortal beings during the life and, as her sister Maia comes to claim their souls, their final passing into the eternal. Curiously, she embodies both the positive and negative aspects of change; delighting in a hero's self-improvement through tribulations and a villian's slow decay alike. Like Charn, Dolores is not a popular goddess and normally invoked only during times of terrible upheaval.


Eirwin is the God of Knowledge, his followers are usually scholars. Eirwin is also the warning of what knowledge might do as he is also considered to be the insane or idiot god. Libraries are holy to Eirwin.


The god of commerce, markets and similar. His followers are usually merchants and similar, preaching the value of acquiring material possessions and bettering one’s life through them. Things sacrificed to Elron are typically expensive luxury items. Markets are holy to Elron.


The Goddess of the Sea. As harsh as few, she offers great gifts for those who know how to appease her. Her sacred place is the sea. Albatrosses are considered her messengers.


Goddess of Nature, Wild herbs and flowers, and of Healing. Among pockets of followers who recognize Gaela, she is considered Gaern's twin sister. Unlike her brother, however, Gaela is a goddess of the wilds and cares little for either civilization or for its products, such as vast cities, warfare, diseases, and so forth. Armies, industry, and the dark arts are all despised by the goddess, who is thought to take vengeance upon those who encroach upon or disrespect the power of Nature. She considers these things to be blemishes upon the earth, things to be stamped out in the name of purity, and will go at lengths to destroy anything that threatens her domain, even if it means damaging the forest itself: ice storms, fire by lightening, and horrible floods are all weapons belonging to this goddess. Nevertheless, and despite her darker and more violent aspects, Gaela is often referred to as the "Earth Mother," a kind and nurturing parent to those who respect and revere Nature. She takes form in and is represented by the four seasons, each with its different personality. Her symbol is the Gaelis blossom, a rare white wildflower rumored to have miraculous curative properties. Among her chief followers are the Gaelanti Gypsies of the Old Woods; they are perhaps the most concentrated group to recognize and worship the goddess specifically.


The God of the Field, he’s the one who ensures a good harvest. He is mainly worshipped by farmers, making him one of the most popular deities. His sacred places are fields.


The Goddess of Dreams. She’s often represented by the moon. She grants hope and prophecy. Most of the Oracles belong to her. Her sacred place is the moon and her sacred animals are moonspiders.


Khanes is the God of Vengeance. Unlike other Gods he has no priests and no temples in his honour. Khanes delights in manipulating people to take vengeance. He is known to possess people with vengeance in their hearts and drive them insane in their pursuit of this vengeance. Khanes is said to exist wherever vengeance is being taken. He is often depicted as a soot covered, bearded man with wild eyes. While he has no sacred places, he is said to find the scent of burning fires especially pleasing. There are few who pray to Khanes though as the gift of vengeance often comes with a heavy price.


The Goddess of Love. Known to have a penchant for unrequited love and occasionally referred to as an exceptionally cruel mistress. Lapis was at one point the lover of Akar, but a consensus among the gods broke them up to pair him up with Maia.


Luxor is generally designated as either the chief deity or the deity of chiefs. He is highly venerated, especially in Arameia. Often depicted as a one eyed man of some age. Often identified with the sun and the heavens. His main weapon is the spear.


The God of the Deep Earth, Maadrth is said to have been chained beneath the mountain and every time he tries to break free of his chains, the earth shakes. Maadrth is not often worshipped, except to appease his anger and gain safe passage underground, and by those who live underground. His sacred places are caves and underground passages. Maadrth is generally depicted as a man with a bull's head and is referred to as the Blind Bull.


The Goddess of Death. She’s the one who gets the dead, she collects them and brings them to their afterlife. She has no sacred place. She is the lover of Akar.


Mekon's purview is to be the god of thieves. Mekon is especially well known for stealing the secrets of fire and agriculture from the gods and giving them to mankind. Unlike the majority of the gods, Mekon is said to have a sense of humour and enjoys pranks immensely, tricksters often find Mekon a worthwhile deity to follow. Mekon has no particular sacred place, but is known to be more receptive to sacrifice and prayer during the night. Sacrificing stolen items in his honour is a sure way to gain his favour.

The Namer[]

The Namer is rarely worshipped, though none doubt his existence. His task is to give names to everything and he is said to be the origin of the True Names given to all living things. It is said that he is present at every birth and some have been known to leave little presents for him during this time, to ensure that he will keep their True Name a secret. According to the legends he once had a name which stretched almost to infinity, but every True Name he gives away is a part of his own name so it has become shorter and shorter. According to his few priests, when his name ceases to be the world will come to an end.


The God of Artifice. He gave fire to the sentient races. He is generally portrayed as a misshapen giant made out of lava. Volcanoes are his sacred places. He is generally worshipped by Artificers and tradesmen.


Quanoth is the trifold god of Time, Causality and Debauchery. While it is generally considered polite to leave a place open for him at any large party or feast, he is otherwise generally ignored by the populace. He is usually depicted as a man with three eyes, wearing a crown of hops or grapes depending on what the local beverage of choice is and holding a hourglass in one hand and a golden cup in the other. Quanoth enjoys a very limited following and has very few temples erected in his honour, priests of Quanoth have been known to move from place to place and it is very bad form and could potentially prove catastrophic not to invite them to gatherings. Quanoth is generally considered to be responsible for such things as time moving quickly when you're having fun, and other, more serious, mishaps in time and causality. Quanoth's holy places are bell towers and parties.


The God of chances and luck, Quinnas appears as a smiling old man who's eyes are blindfolded. The God of luck is, despite his domain, rarely worshipped other than by the most die hard of gamblers and risk taker. For it is not only good luck that Quinnas watches over, and just as the fates can turn, so can the whim of Quinnas, leading to the worst luck of your life. Quinnas is rarely invoked by name, because that's just asking for his unwanted attention, generally he's referred to as the Great Gambler or The Blind Chance to avoid this. Direct worship amidst the masses rarely happens since relying on his intervention causes him to ignore the situation, but often subconscious pleas such as "What are the chances?" or "Hah, you'd be so lucky." are surprisingly efficient, he is not like most gods, where direct prayer and sacrifice brings their fortune, instead small favours are offered to stay in good stead for when his attention is turned upon them. Quinnas doesn't ask for sacrifices, watching the outcome is enough for him, but anything that goes his way is gladly accepted, it takes guts to take such a chance and most followers offer up a small percentage of their winnings, just in case. Gambling dens and anywhere a game of dice can be played are holy to him.

The Sleeping God[]

This god is never given a name, though he is worshipped by the Dae’vol as their creator, they do however, hold that waking him up would be a very bad idea as all of creation is his dream.


The God of civilized warfare. The first of the twins. He favours soldiers and paladins. His is the warfare that favours strategy and tactics. His holy warriors are the Paladins. The twins are continually fighting.


The Snake Goddess, she is represented by the snake and is often said to control rain. Her anger is drought and her blessings are rain. Thissies worship has decreased somewhat since the Snake Wars but she remains popular with farmers and those who wish to explore the secrets of the snakes.


The God of Poetry. He is the one who is worshipped by poets and musicians. Tirell is generally regarded as a trickster and is not afraid to interfere in the affairs of other deities. He has no sacred places.

Demi-Gods and Lesser Deities[]


Colmyras is a demi-god working for Gaern, he is not widely worshipped except among pig herders and breeders. Colmyras has the honour of being the god of pigs and though his priests know many rites to increase fertility in pigs and make them grow faster they are few and far between. Temples to Colmyras can usually only be found in places where pig or boar raising plays an important part of everyday life, priests of Colmyras have also been known to bless the Warhogs of Nevros.

The Green Man[]

One of the Walkers, a representation of plant life with extensive powers over it. The Green Man is a living avatar of the planet's plantlife, so his powers wax and wane with the seasons. He also has very little understanding of humanity, or other flesh and blood creatures, however his understanding of the natural world is very keen.

The Hunter[]

One of the Walkers, he is sometimes worshipped as a God of Hunting. His role is to act as the head of the Wild Hunt, a force which hunts for things they deem unnatural. To face the fury of the Wild Hunt is to never find peace. They will hunt till either they perish or their prey is brought down. The hunter looks part animal, part man, with antlers curving around his head and hoofs instead of feet. He wields a spear which is said to never miss once its target is marked.

The Lix Tetrax[]

One of the Walkers. Lix Tetrax is a representation of wind and is generally hostile to people. The only people she is known to like are the Dragonkin.

The Lord of Ravens[]

One of the Walkers, a pale figure made to look like a human noble. The lord of ravens dresses in black and often spins elaborate schemes.


Maena is the goddess of wine. She's a demigoddess in the service of Quanoth and something of a minor deity. She is considered quite important by those enjoying and producing wine, however. Maena is generally portrayed as a young woman wearing relatively little clothing with grape vines in her hair.

The White Wyrm Woman[]

One of the Walkers, the White Snake Woman is almost always in opposition to the Lord of Ravens, though they employ similar means by scheming and using mortal agents. The White Wyrm Woman usually takes the form of either a pale woman with black hair, dressed in white or a white, talking snake.
